
Showing posts from August, 2024

Practically free fuels - half-green variant

Practically free oil and gas - half-green variants. Author: David Judbarovski, systems engineering, principle inventor, retired, my CV see in Abstract. They allow to reach the oil (CH2) produced domestically and practically free, 0.5 mol CO2 extacted from the air, consuming 2.5 mol C per a mol CH2 and 2.0 mol CO being valuable by-product. It is allowed by extremely cheap solar and/or wind energy, earlier developed by me during many years. Such oil allows to integrate huge amount of solar and wind electricity to national grids, being now sore and unsolvable problem. C + H2O = CO + H2 ( Fischer-Tropsch process ) - 176 KJ. Here CO being valuable product, can be sold by USD 50 / ton or much more. H2 = ((12 * USD 120 / ton - 28 * 50) + 176 * 4 /3.6 ) / 2 = USD 100/ ton H2. Plus net profit from surplus CO being much more than 28 * 50 = USD 1400 if 2H2. C + CO2 (from the air) = 2 CO, (Boudouard reversible reaction, can be near 100 % energy effective at mild condi

Solar electricity 7 cent/kwh from France to Israel - in Russian опять те же грабли. чтобы без проблем интегрировать такое непредсказуемое солнечное электричество в большом количестве, оно должно быть еще дешевле, и не выше 1 цента за квтч

Comparison: CO2 reduction, Fischer-Tropsch, Boudouard

Comparison: CO2 reduction, Fischer-Tropsch, Boudouard. Author: David Judbadivski, systems engineering, principle inventor, retired, see CV in Note: They are used for artificial oil and/or gas domеstic production from air and water by extremaly cheap solar and/or wind as energy source earlier invented and developed by me during many years, so to reach energy independency from hostile or impudent exporters, and to decide now sore and insolvable problem to integrate huge solar and wind electricity in national grids, and distributed energy, if war time and terrorist attacks. Abstract. (a) CO2 reduction: CO2 = CO - 283 KJ, CO2 = 1144 kwh * 0.004 / 0.4 USD/kwh = USD 11.44/ton CO2. CO = 11.44 * 44/ 28 = USD 17.9 + 283 * 4 / 3.6 / 28 = USD 11.1 and totally USD 29.0/ ton CO. If CO2 cycled, CO = USD 11.1 / ton. CO + H2O = H2 + CO2 exhaust or in cycle - 3 KJ negligible. So H2 = 29.0 * 28 / 2 = USD 405 / ton, or if CO2 cycled, so 11.1 * 28 / 2 = USD 155.0 / ton. The CO c

Solar electricity in Israel

Cheap Re and CO2 extraction, links

[2]"About cheapening RE energy production and integration in national grids, posted on 1 June, 2024 [3] "Breakthrough cheap Re energy", posted on 21 June, 2024. [4] "Mass production of CO2 at attractive cost from the air",, posted on 11 Jan., 2020. [5] "Promotion. New wind power. October 2022", pos

C+H2O = 0.5 CH2--free oil +0.5 formic acid

C + H2O = 0.5 CH2 (free oil) + 0.5 CO2H2 (formic acid USD 65/ton). Author: David Judbarovski, systems engineering, principle inventor, retired., ;, . Abstract. (a) 2C +H20 = CH2 + CO – 126 KJ, at T > 580 C ; (b) 2C + 2H20 = CH2 + CO + H2O; (c) 2C + 2H20 = CH2 + CO2H2; (d) C + H2O = 0.5 CH2 + 0.5 CO2H2 - 49 KJ . If C = USD 120/ton, and if CH2 (oil) is free, so CO2H2 = 12 * 120 / (46 /2) = USD 62.6 /ton, 49,000 * 4 / 3.6 / (46/2) = USD 2.4 /ton CO2H2, and totally 62.6 +2.4 = USD 65.0 / ton CO2H2. CO2H2 is valuable for chemistry and to store H2 and CO2. Here invented special solar and wind energy can be 0.4 cents /kwh. References

Magnetrons for H2, and then hydrocarbons production

Magnetrons for H2, and then hydrocarbons production. Author: David Judbarovski, systems engineering, principle inventor, retired;,;, . Abstract. Beams of several magnetrons are concentrated in the water to split it in hydrogen. If they are USD 40/ kw, energy efficiency 80%, and lifetime of 10,000 hours including repairs, and cheap electricity of 0.4 cents from special wind power generators, so cost of the energy, its Capex and Opex totally is (4000/10,000 + 0.4 ) / 0.8 = 1.0 cent/kwh, and a cost of hydrogen is 286,000 * 0.01 /3.6 / 2 = USD 400.0/ ton H2. CO2 + 4 * H2 = CH4 + 2 H2O + 254 KJ, so a cost of CH4 = ( 44 * 1144 kwh/ton CO2 * USD 0.004/ kwh + 8 * 400) /16 = USD 212 minus a sold heat transformed in electricity, being 254,000 / 3.6/ 16) kwh/ton CH4 * 0.25 energy efficiency the heat in electricity * USD 0.05/ kwh local tariff = USD 55/ ton., and totally CH4 = 212 – 55 = USD 157 = 110 /

CO2-CO-H2-CH4-CH2 edited

CO2-CO-H2-CH4-CH2 edited Author: David Judbarovski, systems engineering, principle inventor, retired.,, . Abstract idealized. (a) CO2 splitting = CO – 283 KJ, here CO2 cycled, CO = 286,000 * 0.004 /3.6/28 = USD 11.35/ton CO. (b) CO + H2O = CO2 + H2 – 3 KJ, negligible, so H2 = 11.35 * 28 / 2 = USD 160 /ton H2. (c) CO2 from the air + 3 H2 (+H2 from CH4 = CH2 + H2) = CH4 + 254 KJ, so CH4 = (44 * 1144 kwh/ton CO2 * 0.004 + 6 * 160) /16 = USD 72.5 /ton CH4. Minus heat in electricity (254,000 /3.6/16) * 0.25 energy efficiency * USD 0.05/kwh local tariff = USD 55 /ton CH4 sold electricity, so CH4 = 72.5 – 55 = USD 17.5/ton CH4. CH2 = 17.5 * 16 / 14 = USD 20.0/ ton CH2 = USD 2.85/bbl. And more realistic = idealized + 100 %. CO = USD 22.7/ton, H2 = USD 320, CH4 = (44 * 1.144 * 4 + 6 * 320) /16 = USD (132 – 55) /ton = USD 77 /ton = USD 55/1000 m3. CH2 = 77 * 16 / 14 = 88 = USD 12.6/bbl. Such

Russian black business

Кремль продолжает продвижение кампании по отбеливанию имиджа России за рубежом. И заявления "хороших" россиян, которых Запад вытащил из российских тюрем в рамках обмена, – часть этой спецоперации. "Россия и Путин — это не одно и то же", "санкции должны быть направлены на преступников и режим Путина, а не на граждан РФ", да и вообще Украине "надо садиться за стол переговоров" с Россией. Нет, это не очередное изложение заявки сумасшедших кремлевских вождей или их пропаганды. Это первые заявления освобожденных из российских тюрем российских "оппозиционеров", сделанные 2 и 3 августа в Германии. Они сильно возмутили украинское и европейское общество