Urgency and way to halve fuels for electricity production
Urgency and way to halve fuels for electricity production
David Judbarovski, systems engineering, principle inventor
judbarovski@gmail.com , Linkedin
Urgency to avoid fuels import from Russia can be supported by quite known technology. For example, commonly used for power plants , natural gas as a fuel can be reformed by water vapor in CO2 and hydrogen, then hydrogen by fuel cells creates electricity, after dividing of CO2 poisoning the fuel cells. Totally, it halves the fuel consume with less than a third of harmful exhaust in the atmosphere. Some saved fuels can be sent to help Ukraine for heating.
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Really, CH4 + 2 H20 = CO2 + 4 H2 – 254 kJ ; 0.28 CH4 + air = 0. 28 CO2 + 254 kJ ;
4 H2 + air = FC = 1144 kJ) * 0.67 (energy efficiency) = 765 kJ electricity.
vs. 1.28 * [ CH4 + air = CO2 + 2 H2O + 890 kJ ) * 0.35 (typical efficiency of NG TPP)] = 311 * 1.28 = 400 kJ
So 765 / 400 ~= twice less fuels. Q.E.D.
Stationary dividing hydrogen from CO2 can be cheap and no problem
Moreover, in present European War emergency conditions would be no problem to finance and in short time to rise mass production of the fuel cells for their cheapening to Euro 50.0/kW
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