About cheapening RE energy production and its integration in national grids

About cheapening RE energy production and its integration in national grids. Author: David Judbarovski, systems engineering, principle inventor, retired; 1939dmj@gmail.com; davidjud.blogspot.com, judbarovski.blogspot.com. Abstract Criteria of USD/m2 is only one for economical comparison of different RE energy generators, and to allow competitive artificial fuels, energy must be cheaper 1.0 cent per kWh. The cheaper energy generator, the cheaper its energy produced. For that purpose the smaller RE energy generator, the cheaper it and its energy, because the bigger it, the bigger mechanical loads on it, and more its materials consume. The small RE energy generator can be constructed of more thin materials and parts. the thinner them the more their specific strength and cheaper energy generators and their energy. The RE energy plants comprise small RE energy generators are the best candidate to produce competitive artificial oil, gas and carbon to be stored and support RE energy for supply power of any designed schedule, so reach its integration in national grids. It can be enough cheap energy to use breeding investment, when income of sold energy is used to build new plants in quite shirt period


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