Hydrogen Economy. Way from swindle to hazard free reality.

Hydrogen Economy. Way from swindle to hazard free reality. https://judbarovski.blogspot.com/2022/04, posted on 17 Apr., 2022 April 17, 2022 “Hydrogen Economy”. Way from swindle to hazard-free reality How to turn “Hydrogen Economy” from big sell and dangerous swindle into hazard-free prosperity Author: David Judbarovski, systems engineering, principle inventor, judbarovski.gmail.com Abstract Hydrogen Economy really is one of the fakes of our age. Nevertheless, hydrogen being very explosive, if mixed with the air in any proportion, it is very attractive matter, to try to overcome the said its problem or to soften it till a level of conventional fuels, but can be more promising by environmental and economics points of view. I can suppose, some quite conventional engineering tricks allows to reach those goals Really, a thin tube about 1.0 cm2 can deliver 3.2 g/s H2 (20 bars, 20 m/s) = 333 kW of electricity can feed 300 apartments. Even open flame can’t seriously blow up it, and will cause series of inoffensive claps only. Additionally to direct powering of householders from conventional grid, a net of such tubes, many of them serve as reserved, can power even a big cities, delivering that hydrogen from its storage vessels at the city periphery with a gaps of safety from each to others For industry, and other stationary big power consumers and for transport and other mobile consumers, they use artificial fuels synthetized from atmospheric CO2 and hydrogen by splitting the water, but it is much more expensive, but much more safe technology.. It is a system, being differ ones for different consumers and geographic conditions. Here a city of Germany is taken as example. (A) Electricity and hydrogen production in snowless seasons. (1) I consider remote solar power plants distributed through Germany territory. (2) They are distributed manifold fields of small concentrators, about USD 20.0/kW thermal comprises two small thin walls reflectors each, one of it is planar mirror redirecting solar flux on dish concentrator, so its focal spot is motionless. (3) There is a receiver in the said focal spot. They can be: (a) Direct transformer of heat in electricity, being rectenna thermal heterodyne as now discussed possibility, but with energy efficiency promising to reach near 100% Let us forget the Carnot limit. It is absolutely not relevant for (A) (3), (a) and (b). (b) Thermal decomposer of KNO3 in KNO2 + ½ O2 for restoring a first step of KNO2- O2/air flow Fuel Cell for electricity production with high energy efficiency inherent for the both steps (B) Cheap electricity (about USD 0.0035/kWh and hydrogen about USD 0.25 /kg or practically free if breeding investment market technology, they can be used (1) Directly as a city grid electricity (2) For the water splitting in live regime in hydrogen and oxygen electrically by concentrated rays of magnetrons with energy efficiency near 80% and USD 40.0 / kW if being mass produced (3) The hydrogen is created at the city perimeter and further delivered to householders by a net of thin tubes. Note 1 (a) Artificial hydrocarbons or carbohydrates consume as for stationary powering as for mobile applications, e.g. as a transport fuel, being reformed in life by water vapor in hydrogen for fuel cells, it can halve the fuel consume as quite hazard-free powering, because its flow rate is tiny. (b) Powering fed by artificial fuel can be reserved option for blackouts, and if war times, and as for winter season. Note 2 CO2 can be cheaply extracted from the air by cheap electricity (USD 15.0 /ton and up to 320 ton /m2 of water ponds annually) Atmospheric CO2 very quickly diffusible to the water pond surface, then in flow regime CO2 + Ca(OH)2 concentrated solution = CaCO3 sediment, then the CaCO3 thermally decomposed in CaO and CO2 concentrate. The CO2 is used together with very cheap hydrogen to synthetize the artificial fuels for distributed power generation as remotely as inside city at power substations as reserved option, while the CaO + H2O = Ca(OH)2 solution serves to compensate its consume in the ponds. .


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