Roadmap manifesto to abundant and inexhaustible clean energy

Roadmap manifesto from present energy fiasco via realistic fuels to clean energy. David Judbarovski, systems engineering, principle inventor, retired.,, . Abstract Solar high temperature heat and wind energy can be made as cheap as about USD 0.004/ kwh [1], and such incredible cheap energy can allow to transform it in formic acid from air and water, and then in hydrogen and carbon dioxide to synthetize domestically carbon neutral methane and electricity as by-product, being sold at present tariffs, so methane can be reformed in oil and carbon, the all would be free plus a net profit can be invested exponentially for new buildings to reach energy independency from hostile exporters. Moreover, such fuels can use the existing fuels infrastructure for energy supply for consumers at any designed schedule. The said system can be disintegrated down to local consumers as a local supply, being importantly for war times and against terrorist attacks. No now sore unsolvable problem to integrate solar and wind in national grid. Discloshure a) CO2H2 = CO2 + H2 - 32 kj, b) CO + H2O = CO2H2 + 29 kj: cost CO2H2 = cost CO by OPEX/mol, CO = USD 50/ton, so CO2H2 = 50 * 28/ 46 = USD 30/ ton, so from (a) H2 = (30 * 46 – 33 * 44) /2 = USD 18.0/ton H2 = USD 0.18/ kg c) CO2 + 4 H2 = CH4 + 2 H2O + 254 kj, and CH4 = (1144 kwh/ton CO2 * USD 0.004/kwh * 44 + 8 * USD 18/ton H2)/16 = USD 21//ton CH4 minus sold electricity (254,000/3.6/16) * 0.25 energy efficiency heat in electricity * USD 0.05/kwh = USD 55 /ton CH4, so net profit CH4 = 55 - 21 = USD 34/ ton CH4, while CH4 product is free. d) CH4 = CH2 + H2, and oil is free and carbon is free too. [1] References.


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