AIChE 2025, Wind turbine, edition March 1-st, 2025.

About wind turbine of about 0.4 US cents / kWh. 

Author : David Judbarovski, systems engineering, principle inventor, retired, CV in,,,

The cost of industrial production and the chemical processes also, depended on the cost of energy consumption. Over the years, from time to time, I have searched methods and devices to minimize maximally Capex and OPEX of renewable energy generators, solar and wind ones based on fundamental engineering - The smaller such generators, the lower the USD / kW and the USD / kWh cost in compared to gigantic ones, which are an order of magnitude more expensive.  [1], [2]. [3].

Solar and wind 0.4 US cent / kWh, 5 years payback [1] is reachable, and being well scalable, it allows artificial fuels produced domestically and distribute, and carbon-neutral or half-green. 

 Such fuel will allow 

(1) to reach energy independency;  

(2) being sold a little cheaper than present prices, allow avoid economic shocks and fill a state budget and fund of breeding investment down to free Capex; 

(3)  to use a present fuels' infrastructure; 

(4)  defense in war time and against terrorists; 

(5)  integration of renewable energy in national grid, even if all primary energy is 100 % renewable one. 


Small HAWTs (horizontal axis wind turbines) are fixed along a rope. The said rope is fixed at the bottom, or if deep water application, it is fixed to a buoy fixed at the bottom, and stretched upward by a balloon with a gas that is lighter than air.  Each HAWT and the said rope are equipped by passive stabilizers.  The HAWTs are rotated in opposite directions each to neighboring ones to diminish the rope's loads. Being small, the said HAWTs is negligible in sum vs. whole cost of the system. In its turn the lion share of the cost is the electric generators.

They are much preferable to operate on seas and oceans vs. on-shore being very problematic in many aspects:  scaling, low winds, security and so on.  If open sea placement, electricity produced by a HAWT is converted in fuel components, e. g. in hydrogen, and/or carbon monoxide and so on. Such components are transported to floating terminals and converted on them in end products or in more transportable forms. 

The said HAWTs electricity is about USD (100 + 50%) / (5 years payback * 8000 hours) = 0.375 US cents /kWh ~= 0.4 cents /kWh.

The system can be folded while lowering for maintenance.  

 Numerical disclosure and estimations addressed for professionals.
For example,
the said rope is L = 650 meters long.
Small HAWTs of three blades each and being 1.0 meter long and 15 cm width, they are distributed on the rope from 50 m height to 650 m with 3 meters interval, so they are 200 units.  
Average wind velocity on seas and oceans is 6.75 m/s globally. So averaged wind velocity on the HAWTs can be supposed to be
(a) V = 6.75 * (450 / 10) ^ 0.11 = 10 m/s. So average power of our wind turbine is
(b) W = 1.15 kg/m3 * 3.14 * (1.0 m) ^2 * (10 m/s) ^3 * 0.5 * 50% energy efficiency * 200 HAWTs = 180 kW.
At more than 15 m/s wind, all blades are rotated freely.
The wind turbine's draft force maximally is
(c) Fd = 0.15 m2 blade * 3 blades * 200 HAWTs * (15 m/s) ^2 * 0.5 = 10.000 N = 1.000 kg force.
If the rope being considered as a flexible one and its permissible load to be 1.600 kg/cm2 and deflection to length ratio to be 0.1, so
(d) 1600 = Fd * L / (0.1 * 8 * T). here T is the rope's tension = 1000 kg * 650 m / (0.1 * 8 *1600) = 500 kg
Wind load on a blade is  
(e) q = 1.15 kg/cm3 * 0.15 m2 * (15 m/s) ^2 * 0.5 * / 100 cm = 0.02 kg/cm, and specific bending strength = 1600 kg/cm2 = q * (100 cm) ^2 / (15 cm * d ^2 / 6), here d cm is the blade thickness, so d = 0.22 cm = 2.2 mm, so the blades totally are
(f) 0.15 m2 * 3 * 2.2 mm * 200 * 7.8 gram /cm3 = 1400 kg of steel, and if adding a total weight of 200 generators by 0.9 kW each, so 200 * 3 kg * 0.9 + 1400 kg = 2.0 ton of a total weight of the wind turbine offered here.  It is clear that 1400 kg of not sophisticated steel construction is negligible vs. a cost of its electric generators, being 180 KW * USD 100.0 /KW = 18,000. Q.E.D.
(g) So a cost of our wind turbine practically is equal to a cost of electric generators
(h) P = 2.0 ton (see p.f) + 0.5 ton (see p.d) = 2.5 ton, that the balloon has to lift.
(i) Supposing our balloon to be cylinder of 25 m diameter and 25 m length, its lifting force is 1.15 * 3.14 * 25 ^3 / 4 = 14 ton, and its draft force to be 1.15 * 3.14 * 25 ^ 2 * 0.25 * 10 ^2 * 0.5 /10 = 2.8 ton.
(j) A cost of such balloon is negligible vs. a cost of a gas to fill it. If it being such expensive gas as the hydrogen by USD 1.0 / kg, our balloon would be negligible by cost vs. a cost of our electric generators for our wind turbine.
Really, our balloon is 14,000 m3 (see p. i) * 0.08 kg /m3 H2 = 1,120 kg = USD 1,120 is negligible vs. USD 18,000 for our electric generators in sum (see p. e.).
Q.E.D !!!
The said HAWTs electricity is about USD (100 + 50%) / (5 years payback * 8000 hours) = 0.375 US cents /kWh ~= 0.4 cents /kWh. Q.E.D.
[1]  Breakthrough cheap Re energy,, posted on June 21, 2024.
[2]  Solar and Wind as cheap as 0.4 US cents / kWh can change a game, posted on February 11, 2025.
[3]  CV-2023,, posted on 27.04.2023. 
[4] CO2 mass production from the air very cheaply, posted on 12.01.2025



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