Novel take-off & landing device
Novel take-off & landing device Author: Judbarovski David, systems engineering, principle inventor , Linkedin The Article is not correct, because supercritical regions of gases at 1300 atm Abstract The take-off & landing device is four special water jets. The water is thrust out through a nozzle by gases at high pressure after ignition of “unitary liquid combustible” (ULC), i.e. stoichiometric composition of ammonium nitrate with urea, and liquefied by water as a solvent. Take-off and then lending of aircraft of 10.0 ton full weight consume about 2.0 m3 of water for the water jet and 235 kg of ULC. G = Q * t ; Q = F / v ; v^2 = 2 * g * 10 * P Here G (kg) – water consume for take-off or landing (1.0 m3) Q (kg/s) – water consume (200 kg/s) t (sec) – a time of take-off or landing (5.0 sec.) F (Newton) – the water jets total thrust (near 10 ton) v (m/s) – water outlet velocity through the nozzle (550 m/s) P (...