
Showing posts from February, 2020

Compact H2 storage at normal T and P conditions

Compact H2 storage at normal T and P conditions Author: David Judbarovski, systems engineering, principle inventor , Linkedin Background Compact hydrogen storage hazard free, in operative quantity at mild conditions for personal cars, had been practically unsolvable problem, so hydrogen economics and hydrogen energy there are not in practice for personal cars till now, but in scientific dreams only. Really, direct storage in a car for 1000 km mileage, even if with very energy effective H2-air FC and an electric mover per a wheel, needs about 9 kg hydrogen, and even if under enormous big pressure (let be 700 atm.), it would be enormous big tank of 220 liter (42 kg/m3, and it is very hazard deal.   A little more adequate science research is a porous containers of gaseous hydrogen, being compact, but it needs cryogenic about 100 K, slightly higher only, than its deep T evap. = 20 K (see [1] ) One of much more practical solutions was published ...

About non hazard usage of very dangerous hydrogen

About non hazard usage of very dangerous hydrogen Author: David Judbarovski, system engineering, principle inventor , Linkedin Abstract Here I consider a cars’ design allows 1000 km mileage by H2-air fuel cell fed from small bottle with gaseous hydrogen at normal conditions outside the bottle, and at T and P designed for FC inside the bottle, in quantity of some seconds of the car’s running, when in its turn, the bottle intake is coming from another tiny bottle (*), served for its ammonia electro-thermal decomposition and placed being protected on outer wall of the car and fed through a check valve opened electrically in pulse regime with time controlled delay, by liquid ammonia stored on-board of the car at not extreme conditions, e.g. it is liquid at about 10.0 atm., if room temperature. And all those can be ordinary approach to safety problem, because it well known, that hydrogen and ammonia in tiny quantity, even if occasionally ignited in lar...

Equipment for Short Take-off and Landing (E-STOL)

Equipment for Short Take-off and Landing (E-STOL) Author: David Judbarovski, systems engineering, principle inventor , Linkedin Abstract My E-STOL comprises a aerodynamic resistance of quite small area (SAR), being rigid and turnable, and a water jet device (WJD), comprising high pressure water jets in corners of quadrangular frame. The SAR can be very quickly erected or downed to turn it into additional wing-kite for short gliding in the sky. The WJD provides stabilization below stall speed and serves as start support, while landing or take-off. It is very attractive for Navy aviation, because allows high cruise speed, extremely short runway, and better reliability vs. helicopter, and we can repeat approach, if taking a portion of ambient sea water, in flight by simple pails.     The water is thrust out through the jets by gases at high pressure after ignition of “liquid vigorous combustible” (LVC), e.g. stoichiometric compositi...