About non hazard usage of very dangerous hydrogen
About non hazard usage of very dangerous
Author: David Judbarovski, system
engineering, principle inventor
judbarovski@gmail.com, Linkedin
Here I consider a cars’ design allows 1000
km mileage by H2-air fuel cell fed from small bottle with gaseous hydrogen at
normal conditions outside the bottle, and at T and P designed for FC inside the
bottle, in quantity of some seconds of the car’s running, when in its turn, the
bottle intake is coming from another tiny bottle (*), served for its ammonia electro-thermal
decomposition and placed being protected on outer wall of the car and fed through
a check valve opened electrically in pulse regime with time controlled delay, by
liquid ammonia stored on-board of the car at not extreme conditions, e.g. it is
liquid at about 10.0 atm., if room temperature.
And all those can be ordinary approach to
safety problem, because it well known, that hydrogen and ammonia in tiny
quantity, even if occasionally ignited in large air environment are practically
hazard free, and any small leakage of ammonia stored in operative quantity in a
car, it can be immediately detected by its strong pungent, but not lethal odor,
and by sensor and alarm, and they allow immediately to retire to a safe
My own particular innovation is including
above mentioned, as its key part, but additionally I suppose the following
chain of ammonia technologies and devices for them.
They are:
green ammonia production from air and water
very cheaply by extremely cheap energy of a special wind power plant deployed
near a refueling station must be near, but outside towns. It is a long story,
but was earlier disclosed and evaluated (e.g. see (1) Novel way of Nitrogen
Cost Reduction for Ammonia Industry. https://judbarovski.blogspot.com/2019/09/ (2)
AIChE 2019, reports submitted – Microwaves-Thermal Water Splitting. http://judbarovski.blogspot.com/2019/04/ (3) Wind turbine to stop the global
warming. Real way. https://judbarovski.blogspot.com/2019/12/ );
reliable safe refueling station, and method
and devices for safe refueling up to related details of car’s design (see they below),
They totally can be breakthrough innovation
opening the door for practical realization hydrogen economics and hydrogen energy
for towns and cars aren’t concentrated in small area, and not for large city. .
Behind the saloon’s wall there is a locked tight section,
and there are three rectangular cylinders (e.g. 80 cm long) one
above another with 16 kg liquid ammonia each. It can be enough for 1000 km
mileage for ordinary car with H2-air FC of 65% energy efficiency, if an
electric mover per each wheel. The cylinder ends can be colored differently.
The front end serves for refueling through a check valve. The back end provides
the bottle (*) by liquid ammonia, as described in first paragraph.
Note: I can suppose any personal cars to
have nothing perspective for not so far future, especially cars fueled in any
configuration by hydrogen, in favor to city-cars as electric grid element and
to flying vehicles for suburb and country. So hydrogen fueling hazard free can
be theoretical consideration only.
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