
Showing posts from April, 2022

Lignite alternative for full energy independency

Lignite alternative for full energy independency Author: David Judbarovski, systems engineering, principle inventor, It is not problem, to reject oil and gas import hurt free for you, if political demand and will, and now such moment has come. Domestically produced oil can be cheaper USD 60.0/bbl, gas cheaper USD 190.0/1000 c.m. and electricity cheaper USD 0.02/kWh, while greenhouse exhaust is halved vs. eco-friendly gas power plants, because twice bigger energy efficiency. “Disclosure for experts” is below. Popular Introduction see in Shortly Don’t need to invent any new technology and discover resources. Destroyed and very destitute Germany of 100 years ago had solved it by own black coal reaction with the water vapor (Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, 1920-th) A half century ago the East Germany relied extensively on lignite (brown coal) to become energy self-sufficient. Lignite is crumble and has a high content of mo...

Hydrogen Economy. Way from swindle to hazard-free reality

“Hydrogen Economy”. Way from swindle to hazard-free reality How to turn “Hydrogen Economy” from big sell and dangerous swindle into hazard-free prosperity Author: David Judbarovski, systems engineering, principle inventor, Abstract Hydrogen Economy really is one of the fakes of our age. Nevertheless, hydrogen being very explosive, if mixed with the air in any proportion, it is very attractive matter, to try to overcome the said its problem or to soften it till a level of conventional fuels, but can be more promising by environmental and economics points of view. I can suppose, some quite conventional engineering tricks allows to reach those goals Really, a thin tube about 1.0 cm2 can deliver 3.2 g/s H2 (20 bars, 20 m/s) = 333 kW of electricity can feed 300 apartments. Even open flame can’t seriously blow up it, and will cause series of inoffensive claps only. Additionally to direct powering of householders from conventional grid, a net of such tubes, many...

Potassium Salt Technology supposing to reject fuels import

Potassium Salt Technology supposing to reject fuels import Author: David Judbarovski, systems engineering, principle inventor Publicity resume Technology offered, and well scalable, it comprises two steps, are cycled supposedly 100 cycles for each material unit, here being KNO3 : (1) electrochemistry and (2) thermal decomposition for restoring of first step, the both are very energy effective inherently. Therefore, they transform inherently cheaper thermal energy in electricity practically free of further cost burdens, and with hundredfold less material consume. All those create cheap & clean & sustainable electricity. For example, To reject 100 milliards cube meters of natural gas imported annually by Germany and can create ~ 65 % annual electricity consume (~400 milliards kWh), our technology would be much cheaper 2.0 cents/kWh (OPEX + CAPEX = 5 years payback), using 5300 km2 (1.5 % of German territory for solar power plants, if 7.0 m2 land area...

AIChE, 2022, Modified Leclanche Cell for Cheap Power Generationl

Your abstract submission has been received You have submitted the following abstract to 2022 AIChE Annual Meeting. Receipt of this notice does not guarantee that your submission was complete or free of errors. Modified Leclanche Cell for Cheap Power Generation David Judbarovski, retired, retired, Akko, Israel Abstract Text: Modified Leclanché cell’s power system Modified Leclanché cell’s power system Author: David Judbarovski, Linkedin My present conceptual invention is a new look on power generation. Here just below I disclose such systems. It generates electricity by USD 0.01/kWh (CAPEX + OPEX), with CO2 exhaust of 0.23 kg/kWh vs. USD 0.09 and 1.0 kg CO2 for coal TPP, or USD 0.09 and 0.46 kg for NG TPP correspondingly, if USD 80.0/ton coal and if domestic USD 100.0/1000 m3 NG. Energy efficiency of electrochemistry was supposed as 70% and for TPP as 40%. The Leclanché cell is a battery invented and patented by the French engineer Georges Leclanché in 1866. ...