Solar precice dish for water splitting
Solar precise dish for water splitting. USD 0.25/kgH2 or about 0.12 for southern regions, or 0.5 USA cents/kWh electricity Judbarovski David, retired, systems engineering, principle inventor Linkedin (eng), , Israel My personal professional sites: , since 2017 and , since 2006, archived It is a small dimension system of about 1.0 m2 solar flux, and it comprises (1) precise thin wall planar mirror for redirecting solar beams on (2) precise thin wall dish concentrator, so its focal spot is motionless, (3) tiny motionless PV sensor between (1) and (2) and it can control the redirected solar beams to be parallel to the said dish axis, (4) two axis tracking control by micro servomotors, and (5) pedestals for the said mirrors (1) and (2), and all of them have to be stable against a wind average velocity. A small vessel supplied by water is placed in the said focal spot at a...