
Showing posts from August, 2019

Novel power supply and consume Manifesto

Novel power supply and consume Manifesto Author: David Judbarovski, systems engineering, principle inventor, retired , Israel Being very productive principle inventor and investigator on a firm basis of my work in wide spectra engineering and economics, I am sure that energy and production have to be and are ready to be green & cheap & abundant & inexhaustible, while all materials and parts and tools for that purpose can be recyclable.   I can declare that hydrogen economy and either hydrogen or hydrogen rich fuel like ammonia is a dead end paradigm that has been fooling humanity for decades.     I can declare that the best fuel is, was and will be a carbon based fuels produced from the water and the air by extraction a carbon dioxide of it, and the best way to consume such fuel as for stationary as for mobile applications, it is its high temperature reforming by the water vapor to produce clean hydrogen with carbon dioxi...

New look. Best fuel, is safe against terrorist attacks

New look on cheap, effective fuel, incl. mobile applications Author: David Judbarovski, systems engineering, principle inventor, retired Abstract Shortly: Breakthrough novel sailed hydro-generators in oceans, transform wind energy in electricity of USD 0.0025/kWh used to produce on-board cheaply raw ethanol from water and air. The said raw ethanol  at USD 20.0/bbloe,  can be reformed by water vapor in hydrogen to produce electricity by fuel cells, stationary or on-board, .   To burn a steel cylinder with ethanol isn’t a simple task, and to explode it is impossible.  Now are known, intrusively promoted, and constantly exaggerated absolutely unviable hydrogen carriers. A small example: Can you imagine the ammonia leakage inside sea vessel? Where can you run from it?   Here is presented a fully theoretical solution of a problem of high contented hydrogen fuel, is safe against terrorist attacks and against its...