
Showing posts from October, 2021

Thorium fueled engine, and my variant can change the world

11:57 pm January 25th, 2014 Thorium fueled engine, and my variant can change the World 2014/01/25, by David Judbarovski, pensioner, Israel, Below I intend to disclose som...

Fossil fuels or RE or conventional Nuclear Power vs the Lord. Opinion

  From: Energy and Capital < newsletter@energyandcapital.c om > Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2021 12:22:20 -0400 Subject: Fools, Idiots, and High Gas Prices To:  Global leaders may set down their private planes near fancy beachesand command the water to stop rising. They will stamp documents, havesummits, and produce research. They will spend other people's moneyand order the Earth to cool down. However, as Canute the Great couldhave told them, the gods of energy and economics have a will of theirown.                                                Global leaders may set down their private planes near fancy beachesand command the water to stop rising. They will stamp documents, havesummits, and produce research. They will spend other people's moneyand order the Earth to cool down. However, as Canute the Great couldhave told them, the go...