Thorium fueled engine, and my variant can change the world

Thorium fueled engine, and my variant can change the World
2014/01/25, by David Judbarovski, pensioner, Israel,

Below I intend to disclose some breakthrough improvements for engine of a car fueled by thorium that can fully eliminate organic fuels (oil, gas and so) as for transportation, as for the power generation in general for next some thousands years. It can revolutionary improve military vehicles in particular.
I oppose my concept to original engine consuming 8 gram of thorium for 100 years of mileage and 5 years ago designed by Loran Kulesus, and taken by the Laser Energy Systems co. trying during following three.-four years to reach 230 kg of weight for 250 kW. It would be about a cent per a liter of gasoline equivalent.
My concept of the engine consumes much less the thorium, haven’t moving parts, can operate at normal pressure, and at moderate temperature, is much more reliable and durable, much more light and cheap, isn’t needed in any additional stuff like water for steam, haven’t any exhaust, and isn’t needed in any cooling equipments, and can be used again and again by simple extraction the engine as the unit from old machine and further its fixing to transmission of new machine or by simple electrically joining each wheel’s motor by wires to the said unit.
Mr. Loran Kulesus, above mentioned designer, wrote on Nov. 30, 2008,
“....Thorium is as common in the earth's crust as tin and is not fissile the same way Uranium and Plutonium are, and poses less threat to create a weapon of mass destruction. Instead the Thorium is used to power programs of batch instruction that function as the vehicles nervous system. When discussing the safety of actiniod fuel sources it is important to consider the annual US health bill that results from the burning of hydrocarbon fuel…
….The surplus power generated from its Thorium reactor can be used to give back to the grid, power a neighborhood, or recharge other electric battery-equipped devices. Designed with safety in mind, the reactor has multiple scuttle devices to poison the sub-critical reaction in case of extreme abuse, and the reactor's exterior is designed to withstand all unauthorized or accidental tampering”.
I can’t agree with some particulars of it, but can mainly.
In its original design, the water steam of high pressure and temperature created by tiny thorium nuclear reactor moves steam turbine, was supposed to be high energy effective Tesla turbine. Tesla claimed that a steam version of his device would achieve around 95 percent efficiency. But it is very sophisticated and precious device with effectiveness badly falling, if power deviates from its average one. In tests really it was 20%, while contemporary it was above 50%.
Axial turbines which operate today in steam plants or jet engines can have efficiencies of about 60 – 65% maximum, but for the ordinary plant or engine they are between approximately 25% and 42%. In any case they are very expensive, heavy, and short-lived turbines very sensitive to power deviations.
In my turn I offer to use a melted stuff as heat transfer fluid instead of water steam, and to use Judbarovski Fuel Cell to utilize the thorium heat energy into electricity.
As the said fluid we can use the waterless sodium hydroxide that is in a melted state from 320 up to 1378 Centigrade, and not aggressive chemicals to ordinary iron walls.
The Judbarovski Fuel Cell (JFC) is a metal-hydrogen electrochemical generators (ECG) or metal-nitrogen ones can be promising in terms of possibility to be thermal recycled, and of some other surprises. The hydride/nitride if having a density, sufficiently differs from electrolyte density, and if not being adhesive to cathode or to a special cover on the cathode, by gravitational force the said hydride/nitride pops-up above the electrolyte or settles to the bottom, and then goes for recycling. So we haven’t to care to have very porous structure of cathode to increase a power density, and we weaken a terrible problem of collection of non-conductive product on the cathode and inside its pores.
So we can create a device with very high energy effectiveness of ECG-s, but with very high energy- and power density of heat engine, and consuming a heat as energy source. For 250 kW engine of Li-H JFC it needs 11 kg Li and 1.5 kg of hydrogen under moderate pressure for its reserve storage, and the said JFC’s total weight can be about 20 kg only. We must add about 50 kg of electric motor and a little for others. Because we can’t change by suitable way a heat power of our thorium reactor, we can store its surplus heat in a form of anode stuff storage and return the said stuff, when need more electricity for electric motor/s. It allows additionally diminish a weight of the said engine.
We can consider for development some other reasonable candidates to be used as an anode with hydrogen or nitrogen as cathode, allowing different recycling temperature, e.g. potassium, sodium, calcium, iron, zinc, strontium, magnesium.
Thorium fueled engine, and my variant can change the World

REnewables etc


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