Practically free fuels - half-green variant
Practically free oil and gas - half-green variants. Author: David Judbarovski, systems engineering, principle inventor, retired, my CV see in Abstract. They allow to reach the oil (CH2) produced domestically and practically free, 0.5 mol CO2 extacted from the air, consuming 2.5 mol C per a mol CH2 and 2.0 mol CO being valuable by-product. It is allowed by extremely cheap solar and/or wind energy, earlier developed by me during many years. Such oil allows to integrate huge amount of solar and wind electricity to national grids, being now sore and unsolvable problem. C + H2O = CO + H2 ( Fischer-Tropsch process ) - 176 KJ. Here CO being valuable product, can be sold by USD 50 / ton or much more. H2 = ((12 * USD 120 / ton - 28 * 50) + 176 * 4 /3.6 ) / 2 = USD 100/ ton H2. Plus net profit from surplus CO being much more than 28 * 50 = USD 1400 if 2H2. C + CO2 (from the air) = 2 CO, (Boudouard reversible reaction, can be near 100 % energy effective at mild condi...