about halving of fuels, template

(1) I am a person of golden age, systems engineering, principle inventor. Linkedin : Background Necessity forever to avoid fuels import from Russia can be supported by known technology. Commonly used for power plants , natural gas or coal as a fuel can be reformed by water vapor in CO2 and hydrogen, then hydrogen by fuel cells creates electricity, after dividing of CO2 poisoning the fuel cells. Totally, it halves the fuel consume with much less of harmful exhaust in the atmosphere. Some saved fuels can be sent to help Ukraine for heating. See more detailed, by shortly too in https://judbarovski.blogspot.com/2022/12 , Urgency and way to halve fuels for electricity production, posted on 07.12.2022 Attention. Stationary dividing hydrogen from CO2 can be cheap and no problem, see shortly https://judbarovski.blogspot.com/2022/12 , About saving Alkaline fuel cell from impurities, posted on 17.12.2022 Moreover, in present European War emergency conditions would be no problem to finance and in short time to rise mass production of the fuel cells to cheapen them.. Sincerely, David Judbarovski, 83, judbarovski@gmail.com, Linkedin (2) Ministry of Economic, Development and Trade, Ukraine meconomy@me.gov.ua State Agency in energy efficiency and energy saving of Ukraine saee@saee.gov.ua Dear Mrs Minister Dear Ladies and gentlemen Date: 20.12.2022 In a heavy period for your Batkevshchine, while extermination of its energy infrastructures by impudent aggressor, Russia, and Ukrainian corrupted energy authorities. I appeal to you, dear Mrs. Yulia, Minister personally and to experts of the said State Agency for a little initiative by your power before your allies in European Commission and personally both its President, and Director-General for Energy to support a real possibility by known technologies to halve natural gas consume for electricity production, and the saved fuels can prevent not only catastrophe of Europe, and to help Ukraine for heating and by electricity.


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